Haunted Locations in Antarctica

    Lists of places in Antarctica

    Lists of places in Antarctica

    Antarctica is the southernmost continent on Earth. While Antarctica has never had a permanent human population, it has been explored by various groups, and many locations on and around the continent have been described. This page lists notable places in and immediately surrounding the Antarctic continent, including geographic features, bodies of water, and human settlements.

    Bodies of water
    Antarctic melt stream
    Antarctica is a desert, receiving very little annual precipitation. However meltwater from the continent's ice features produce a number of rivers and streams. A list of these can be found at List of rivers of Antarctica
    Nearly all of Antarctica's surface is covered by ice to an average depth of 1.9 km (1.2 mi; 6,200 ft).As such, a number of notable ice features have been described on the continent.
    Ice shelves
    The Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf.
    In many places, continental ice sheets extend from the continent forming massive ice shelves.
    A list of Antarctic ice shelves can be found at List of Antarctic ice shelves.
    Ice streams
    Main article: List of Antarctic ice streams
    A number of islands surround Antarctica. For a list of them, see List of Antarctic and subantarctic islands.
    Geographic features
    Ridges and rock features
    • Austranten Rock
    • Avalanche Corrie
    Mountains and hills
    There are a number of mountain lists for Antarctica:

    Mount Erebus, the second-highest volcano in Antarctica
    Antarctica has a number of active and extinct volcanoes. For a list of them, see List of volcanoes in Antarctica.
    Human Settlements
    Antarctica has no permanent human population, however there are a variety of man-made places in Antarctica including two civilian bases.
    Main article: List of lighthouses in Antarctica
    Research stations
    Main article: Research stations in Antarctica § Research stations

    Countries of Antarctica
    There are no countries in Antarctica.
    Although scientific expeditions visit Antarctica, there are no permanent human residents. There are about 4,000 seasonal visitors to Antarctica.

    Interesting facts about Antarctica.
    Antarctica is the fifth-largest continent. This frozen continent has many interesting facts to read about.

    Antarctica is the coldest region on this planet.

     Antarctica has about 87% of the world's ice.
    The South Pole is the coldest, windiest, and driest place on Earth.
    This is a picture of the "Ceremonial South Pole". It is an area set aside just for you to take a picture.


    Antarctica is the best place in the world to find meteorites. Can you guess why? Dark meteorites show up against the white of ice and snow and don't get covered by plants. This picture shows one of the largest meteorites collected in Antarctica, it was 250 pounds!


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